fond memory

Fondly remembering the last gym outting I had with Candice.

She has been working at me all night, trying to butt into conversations I was having, cock blocking me flirting with that guy, and then the last time I ran to the bathroom to avoid her, I came back to her at the head of the table I was at (and her girlfriend). She was standing there, waiting on me and I know that because she addressed me loudly in front of everyone as I was walking back to my seat just so I wouldn't avoid her because how could I when she gave us an audience. 

I miss her so much and I hate the way things ended. I hate that she refused to talk to me after months of me begging her to do just that. 

But, to be fair, that was after I posted my review. 

So maybe that was her straw?

...I don't know but I wish it wasn't.


Oh fuck. 

I heard her voice in someone's video, over the gym mic. 

I miss that and now I'm scared of how I'm gonna react to that. 


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